So it's now 2021, but people are still wearing masks! I have been asked MULTIPLE times how I make my masks, so I decided I might as well share the pattern I use and show some tips.
I have made so many masks. I have also made many different versions using different patterns, different styles of ear straps and different types of fabric. Below is my favorite pattern.
I adapted it from "Jennifer Maker" at the following link:
I printed the free pattern and then adapted it to fit my face better. I also preferred ear straps rather than the ties because the ties slip on my thick hair too much. So, here we go!

The pattern has three sizes. I used the medium the first time for myself, but my face is thinner so it was a bit too big. I ended up using the size small, but then cutting about 1/4-1/2 inch around it larger. This was basically a size in between the small and medium. I used the small to make masks for my kids.
The next step is to cut out your fabric. I like to use 3 different colors. Cut two pieces of each. The quickest way is to fold your fabric right sides together and then cut.
Next, sew along the curved edge on the dotted line of the pattern, which is about 1/4 inch seam allowance. I just sew them all and then cut the small space in between. Saves time and thread!
Next I trim some of the excess and then cut every 1/2 to 1 inch a little snip. This helps the bulkiness to lessen. You can also take the time to iron the seams open.
Next you want to sew the inside piece down to make the filter pocket. Fold down one side 1/2 inch two times and sew.
Now place your inner filter pocket fabric right side up with the wrong side of the pocket layer so you can see both right sides. Pin in place if needed.
Now it's time to add the elastic. You can use whatever you prefer here. I have used fold-over elastic and I have used smaller 1/4 inch elastic. Cord elastic could work as well, or whatever you have available. I use pieces that are 6-6 1/2 inches long. You can take what you have and wrap around your ear the way you would wear to make sure of the measurement.
Hold the elastic in place about 3/8 inch from the corner, or more if you have smaller ears. Just do a quick stitch to hold the elastic in place.
Now, place your outer fabric piece on top of the other two pieces right sides together and pin in place. Sew around the edge leaving one side open. I like to leave the side open with the folded down filter pocket layer. Make sure the elastic are in the middle and don't get in the way.
Trim the corners. Then, turn the face mask right sides out. At this point, I like to try it on just to check the elastic even if the open side isn't sewn yet.
Once it is fitting, fold in the last side and topstitch.

Now is the last step. In order for the mask to fit snugly on your nose, I like to add a pipe cleaner that you can squeeze over your nose to fit tightly. There are so many options to use here, but I had a ton of pipe cleaners in the house. You can find these really cheap at any craft store, and even the Dollar stores. I cut a long pipe cleaner in half and then fold that in half. Fold down any sharp ends and then place inside where you would place your filter. Center on either side of the middle seam. Using your fingers to hold in place, sew around it and voila, you're done!

Let me know if you have questions! I have made SO many masks and this really is my favorite pattern. It fits all of my families faces snugly, and the elastic stays in place and isn't too tight and then we can squeeze it tightly over our noses.
These are completely machine washable!
Happy sewing! Janel