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Romans 12:10


Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.

Today we had the honor and privilege to attend a wedding of two 19-year-olds who are technically 2nd cousins to us. Our first cousins are the father/mother of the groom. As we were driving, I did a quick google search on “scriptures for weddings” that I could add to our card. Romans 12:10 stuck out to me and I loved that it wasn’t the typical I Corinthians, or other scriptures you hear at most weddings.

Now, as we are driving home I am just sitting here meditating on the entire ceremony. What I saw and experienced puts so many things into perspective. What our nation has lost, in my opinion, is HONOR. We no longer honor each other, not even ourselves. We are so caught up with materialism, having the next best cell phone, the next best furniture, the next best car, the next best outfit, and “keeping up with the Jones’.” We have lost what this world was created for, and how it was created.

During the entire wedding and ceremony, all I saw was God’s love for others! I heard of the multiple selfless acts people had done for each other, and the love they all had for each other simply because that is what God calls us to do! Honor and love each other.

Multiple times in scripture, we are told to love one another, as God first loved us.

John 3:16-17 says; For God so loved the world, he gave his one and only son, for whoever believes in Him shall have eternal life.

Mark 12:31 says; The second most important command is this: Love your neighbor as you love yourself.

John 15:12 says; Love each other as I have loved you.

1 Peter 4:8 says; Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins.

Honor is a means of loving. If you honor someone, you will love them through that honor. I believe that if you honor others and love them, putting them before you, you are blessing them while glorifying God. Can you imagine if all of the anger in this world was replaced with LOVE and HONOR? Whether you believe in God or not, having respect and love for others just helps things go better, don’t you think? I’m not writing this trying to get you to believe. I’m writing this to try and put things in perspective.

That person you are angry with, for disrespecting you, or not living the way you want them to, or saying something that offended you, that person is someone’s child, someone’s friend and they truly believe whatever they did or said to you is right!

One of the most impactful things I’ve ever heard is this:

EVERYTHING that anyone Does, Says, or Thinks makes sense to them!

If you think to yourself, “that person must really believe that, or think that, etc; and how do I hope they treat me for thinking differently?” Wow, you have just opened your thinking (and hopefully your heart) to believing that we need each other, and that other people aren’t always the enemy!

Thanks for reading,

Happy devotions!


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