So this weekend, I picked 3 areas in our home to organize. With 4 kids, these areas can quickly become "dumping grounds" as I like to call them. So, it was time to go through them and throw out anything that wasn't needed and re-organize them.
First up is the Junk Drawer! You know you have one. The famous drawer in the kitchen that you open up and toss anything you think you may use at some point. Mine had pencils, pens, a tangled mess of charging chords and earphones, tools, cards, etc.!!!
Here's the before:

When you are approaching a project like this, first just take everything out! I love to just divide all of the organizing projects into smaller projects!! Rather than think "I need to organize the house," I think "what's one small area I can tackle today!" This frees you to relax about the overwhelming feeling of organizing everything. Especially if you have kids or anything that takes up much of your free time, just do a small amount at a time!
OK, so once I took everything out, I started to divide into piles. All pens here, pencils there, etc. Many things I moved to where they should be. I also tossed things that we no longer needed.
Now, the tangled mess of cords. I tried to think of how to keep those organized and tidy. I decided to use some of the big pile of twisty ties! They may not look fancy, but they WORK!

Next, you see what is left after throwing things away and moving things to their proper home. I decided a much smaller box could be used for the corner and put all of the cords in it. The rest was put back in the old silverware organizer. A silverware organizer is great for the junk drawer. It holds pens, pencils, etc. perfectly!
Here's the after:

A simple drawer, but now that it's organized I sure do feel better! Now the trick is to maintain it.
Happy Organizing! Janel